Dismantling the unlawful ‘Gangs Matrix’

Through collective action and a legal win, we have forced the Metropolitan Police to admit that the Gangs Matrix is unlawful. Now, they must #EraseTheDatabase for good.

What is the ‘Gangs Matrix’?

Following the 2011 uprisings in response to the police killing of Mark Duggan, the Met Police introduced the ‘Gangs Matrix’. The Met Police use the Gangs Matrix to label people as gang members, based on vague criteria such as who your friends or family are, the area you live in, or the music videos you share online. They claim it is a tool aimed at preventing ‘serious youth violence.’ In reality, it has been used as a surveillance weapon to criminalise young people, particularly young Black men and boys.

“If you are known to them it’s going to increase your stop and search. If you are known to them, you will be on that list and you will be stopped more.”

Being Matrixed: The (Over)policing of Gang Suspects in London Report

How has this impacted people?

Find out more about how the Gang Matrix has impacted communities. Our documentary features young people who have been affected as well as community activists, community researchers and lawyers who have been collectively campaigning for change. You can watch the trailer here. Want to watch the full documentary?



  • Challenge

    Are you worried that you or someone you care about may be on the Gangs Matrix? Find out how you can erase your data and challenge the Matrix.

  • Watch

    Do you want to hear directly from the people most impacted by the Gangs Matrix and those fighting for their rights? You can watch our documentary.

  • Learn

    Do you want to find out more about this issue and what we can do to make change? You can educate yourself with our collection of resources.

Support the fight for justice.

Your contributions will help the Erase The Database Collective to support those most impacted by the Gangs Matrix to have their rights upheld and strengthen our campaign for change.